Glenn proudly wears his world government promoting Masonic patch
during one of his televised programs on FoxTV.
Ecumenical event in Washington, DC where faiths found false 'common ground'.
This round of his shenanigans has us finding "common ground" with Catholics. Perhaps as an attempt to provide us a preview into what will occur in the future, Beck writes in a Washington Times article:
"I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but today, I call myself a Catholic. Why? Because the state is telling the Catholic Church to violate its principles and teachings. So if you are a person of faith, you must call yourself a Catholic."This most recent publicity campaign was created by Beck after the Obama administration created a contraception mandate upon church-affiliated hospitals, colleges and institutions. Obama's mandate provides contraception, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs in nearly all health plans. This, Beck believes, is a direct attack on the freedom of religious practice, and an infringement on the citizens' right to refuse to participate in actions that their conscience deems wrong.
He is so serious about this fight for religious freedom, that he made a trip to the Vatican. While he was in that area of the world, he also stopped in Europe. "He was invited to address Tea Party leaders from numerous countries to discuss the creation of an international peace and freedom movement. Both of these initiatives – one focusing on the freedom of religious expression and the other on peace and prosperity – will result in massive and influential international coalitions."[1] We'll have to wait to see what this develops into, knowing that the Tea Party in the US is supported by the Fascist conservative right wing.
Beck meets the newly elevated Cardinal Timothy Dolan (Archbishop of New York) in the Vatican.
"I envision a New World on the horizon."
Evangelical Letter to Obama
Thousands of pastors and evangelical leaders have joined Roman Catholics in opposing President Obama's contraception coverage mandate. More than 2,500 evangelicals signed the ecumenical letter urging the president to reverse the requirement that church-affiliated groups carry insurance providing free birth control, including morning-after pills and sterilization.
"This is not a Catholic issue," Family Research Council President Tony Perkins (CNP) told the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville, Tenn.. The letter was endorsed by Richard Land (CFR), and the others sought to assure Obama they are in solidarity with Roman Catholics. Other signers of the letter included:
- Leith Anderson - president of the National Association of Evangelicals;
- Colby May - senior counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice;
- Tom Minnery - senior vice president of Focus on the Family;
- Stanley Carlson -Thies, president of the Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance;
- Nathan Diament - Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America;
- Abba Cohen - Agudath Israel of America;
- Samuel Rodriguez - president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference;
- Ron Sider - president of Evangelicals for Social Action;
- Paul Corts - president of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
Also signing were the heads of the:
- Association of Gospel Rescue Missions,
- Christian Community Development Association,
- Christian Legal Society and Prison Fellowship Ministries
- The presidents of four schools affiliated with Baptist state conventions -- David Olive of Bluefield College, William Fleming of Palm Beach Atlantic University, Samuel Oliver of East Texas Baptist University and Lee Royce of Mississippi College – signed the letter as well.