Have you ever wondered if Mitt Romney fits into the globalist agenda? Wonder no more. George H.W. Bush, the man who said that he wanted a New World Order several years back, gave his seal of approval to Mitt Romney.
He told the Houston Chronicle, "I think Romney is the best choice for us...I like Perry, but he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere; he’s not surging forward.” He says that Gingrich isn't one of his biggest advocates.
I'll add here that Mitt Romney, a multimillionaire and the wealthiest of the Republican presidential candidates, said he has no plans to release his income tax returns if he wins his party’s nomination, setting himself apart from past nominees in both parties who have routinely done so. Hmmm.
Recorded in 2007, here are a few comments on the legacy of George W. Bush. It will provide us with some insight to the man.
(YouTube link)
I'd say he's a shoe-in for the position as President.
A halfway endorsement by Franklin Graham