Monday, November 21, 2011

Ralph Reed: Up Close

The New World Order and the Christian Right have been intertwined and cleverly disguised. Ralph Reed, a name that many of us have never heard of, was one of the key people who has helped the world government advance. Let's learn who Ralph Reed is.
  • Ralph Reed is a prominent figure of the Religious Right and he's a neoconservative.[1] [2]
  • Reed was a youthful co-chairman of the Reagan campaign in 1984, has worked on seven presidential campaigns, and advised 88 campaigns for Governor, U.S. Senate, and Congress.[3]
  • Reed is/was a member of the Council for National Policy (CNP), a globalist council with a Christian front.
  • In 1996, Reed spoke at a 3-day seminar for the Family Federation of World Peace, an event sponsored by Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. Reed was there with CNP members: Beverly LaHaye, Pat Boone, Robert Schuller, and Gary Bauer.[4] Based upon an interview on Barbara Aho's site, Reed is a follower of Moon.
  • Reed was hired by Presidential candidate Pat Robertson as the first executive director of the Christian Coalition.[5] Some believe the Christian Coalition is a Knights of Malta/Illuminati project.[6] Those who were critical of the this move between Robertson and Reed considered it "an alliance between neoconservative intellectuals and anti-intellectual fundamentalists."[7]
Ralph Reed shortly after joining Pat Robertson.
  • Ralph Reed received payments from his political ally Jack Abramoff - reportedly enough checks to total more than five million dollars in gambling industry money.  
  • Reed's connection to the Jack Abramoff congressional lobbying scandal unmasked the candidate, which caused him to lose the election for Lt. Governor in Georgia
  • Reed founded the Faith and Freedom Coalition in June 2009 as the successor of the Christian Coalition.
  • He is chairman and CEO of Century Strategies, a public relations and public affairs firm (a lobbying firm) with offices in Atlanta and Washington, DC. Century has provided counsel to Microsoft, Home Depot, Verizon, the Business Roundtable, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.[8] It is also known for its unethical activities.
  • Reed was an attendee of the 2004 Bilderberg Conference in Italy.[9]
  • He has authored and edited five books, including his latest novel, The Confirmation. It's a fictional book about terrorists in Iran who have hijacked nuclear materials and threaten to bomb a major city if the U.S. or Israel attacks. Chaos then reigns in the nation's capitol. It makes you wonder if there are "buzz words" (a valid plot) in the story.
  • He is closely associated with the Tea Party movement:

(YouTube link)
  • Ralph Reed, Jr. said: "The notion that Bachmann, Perry or other candidates secretly harbor “Dominionist” theology is a conspiracy theory..." [10]
  • "Stand for Israel" prayer campaign was co-chaired by Ralph Reed, so he's a Christian Zionist. He has been noted saying, "The single strongest group for Israel in the United States, apart from Jews, is conservative Christians...80% of self-identified Republicans favored war with Baghdad."
  • On the subject of Democracy, Reed writes: "The surest antidote to tyranny is a free people who believe it owes its allegiance to a Higher Power, not the government. The consent of the governed rests upon faith in a sovereign God. Faith as a political force is the very essence of Democracy."[11
As you read through each of Ralph Reed's accomplishments, you will see that he has a desire for power. His background is loaded with ethically questionable activities and there is little about religious conviction. The Left seems to be able to see right through his Christian front. One source said that the Religious Right, which Reed cooperates with, is a "bunch of right-wing 'Christian' hatemongers, white racists, supporters of neo-Nazi David Duke and radical pro-lifers." It's funny how easily the Left can see this, and modern Christians can't.