Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How to Educate (or program and snoop on) the Planet

Education researchers, government officials, and the international development community often have different ideas about the best approach to improving educational attainment across the globe. Two prominent contemporary approaches to improving education in developing countries are the U.N. Millennium Development Goals (followed through by the U.N. Development Programme) of establishing universal primary education (UPE), and Nicholas Negroponte's more recent and equally controversial One Laptop per Child (OLPC) program. These programs represent two very different approaches to improving education. The UPE approach is traditional and straightforward with some emphasis on computers; its goal is to place more youth into classrooms. The other approach--giving all students special laptops. [1]

Although it is difficult to say why greater access to computers is related to greater educational attainment. Besides, we've done quite well for the past hundreds of years gaining information through the use of books alone. My question is: Does the U.N. really have a desire to see young people of the world have a solid primary education? Or do they see it as an opportunity to control, educate them in the socialist ways, and snoop on households? I think this way because whenever the U.N. says something is good, you've got to know that they are doing it for a reason.

You must admit, computers are an excellent source to have when getting an education, especially if you are connected to the internet. But when you see Venezuela's Hugo Chavez extol the virtues of a portable computer, and that his Socialist government plans to introduce them at public schools - you gotta wonder! He claims it's a cure for a child's insomnia, not a way to get a better education. It's hard to tell if he meant it as a joke or not. [2]

Nicholas Negroponte said in 2006 that the countries that are projected to receive the laptops are: China, India, Thailand, Egypt, Nigeria, Brazil, and Argentina. [3]

So what's the connection between Negroponte's ambitious goals and that of the U.N.? Negroponte was the founder of the MIT Media Lab, which is an arm of the MIT and a member of the Committee of 300/Tavistock Institute, and the Club of Rome. The Committee of 300 is an elitist secret society whose goal it is to bring about a one world government. The Tavistock Institute is  the nerve center for the global manipulation of human consciousness. The Club of Rome is a globalization think tank. [4

Some notable members of the Committee of 300 include: The British royal family, Dutch royal family, House of Hapsburg, House of Orange, Duke of Alba, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, Lord Carrington, Lord Halifax, Lord Alfred Milner, John Jacob and Waldorf of the Astor ( Illuminati bloodline), Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes, Queen Elizabeth II, Queen Juliana, Queen Beatrix, Queen Magreta, King Haakon of Norway, Colonel Mandel House, Aldous Huxley, John Forbes, Averill Harriman, William and McGeorge Bundy, George Bush, Prescott Bush, Henry Kissinger, J.P. Morgan, Maurice Strong, David Rockefeller, David and Evelyn Rothschild, Paul, Max and Felix Warburg, Ormsby and Al Gore, Bertrand Russell, Sir Earnest and Harry of the Oppenheimer (Illuminati bloodline), Warren Buffet, Giuseppe Mazzini, Sir William Hesse, George Schultz, H.G. Wells, and Ted Turner. [5]

As documented on this video, you'll see how Tavistock and MIT have been involved in many of our countries major programs, including the National Council of Churches. (Posted later: See this post about the possible connection between Tavistock & NCC.)

(YouTube link)