Thursday, October 11, 2012

Phyllis Schlafly: Dame of Malta


Rep. Michele Bachmann delivered a speech for the 2012 Annual Leadership Summit at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, in July 2012. A member of the audience asked Bachmann if she could recommend any good books. "She suggested that attendees read “everything Phyllis Schlafly has ever written,” calling her an “absolute genius,” and also recommended books by radical commentator Ann Coulter and pseudo-historian David Barton."[1]

About what one could expect, Michele was ready with her Masonic hand signs when she was raving about Schlafly's books.
 Galatians 4 connects this Masonic hand sign with the early symbol of the Jesus Movement.

Michele Bachmann was standing with a "living legend." When you learn about her background, you'll see that Phyllis Schlafly has done more to bring about a Christian theocracy in our country than any women. Her list of credentials is long. She is:
  • a member of the Council for National Policy - a pseudo-Christian organization of Right Wing globalists, and [2]
  • a Dame of Malta, the counterpart to the Knights of Malta, an occult secret society interwoven with Freemasonry.[3][4] Knights of Malta members are the militia of the Pope. They were responsible for helping thousands of Nazis and members of the SS escape to freedom down these Ratlines.
 Young Phyllis presented John Paul II with her book. 
  • She had a prior relationship with New Ager Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s Church Universal and Triumphant leadership.[5]
  •  She was/is a member of the Religious Roundtable Council of 56 - "a coalition of conservative business, military, political, and religious leaders working together to bring Biblical principles into public policy."[6] [7]
  • As President of the Eagle Forum, she encourages Christians to be citizen-volunteers who can affect government policies in Congress. Eagle Forum is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
  • She is a member of, and held National Chairmanships in various sections the Daughters of the American Revolution - a lineage-based membership organization for women who are directly descended from an American patriot who fought in the Revolutionary War.[8
 Is that the Illuminati Phoenix pin?  

 Here too?
  • There is significance to Phyllis Schlafly's genealogy, because she is in the Illuminati bloodline. Many people who have aristocratic blood believe they have the divine right to rule over mankind. I don't know if this is the way Schlafly believes, but she is in that sort of lineage, as are many presidents and world leaders. Based on Barbara Aho's research, "prior to her marriage to Fred Schlafly, Phyllis Schlafly was Phyllis Bruce Stewart, making her a blueblood of both the Bruce and Stewart lineages."[9]  She goes onto write: "Although there is no minor contention as to whether the Stewart bloodline later became the Stuart dynasty, it is well known that Robert the Bruce was in the royal bloodline of Scotland. After the death of William Wallace (Braveheart) in 1305, Robert Bruce contended for Scottish independence with King Edward I of England. Robert's son, Robert I Bruce, was crowned king of Scots in 1314 and he declared Scottish independence after defeating Edward II at Bannockburn. Robert the Bruce was not only the liberator of Scotland but also Priest-King of the Celtic Church, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of the Knights Templar and the founder of the Order of the Rosy Cross."[10] For more information, do a Google search for: Mrs PHYLLIS Bruce MacAlpine Stewart SCHLAFLY.
When you see pictures of Mrs. Schlafly, she looks like a sweet ole Grandma. I assure you, she's just another Reconstructionist fake that has world government on her mind.

"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his..." 2 Tim. 2:19

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