Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is Raelian Cult Signaling Illuminati Intentions?

For over 30 years, Rael Maitreya (left) has been the leader of a growing world movement known as Raelism - a self proclaimed 'atheist religion' claiming direct contact with invisible 'extraterrestrial beings' resembling Biblical 'fallen angels'.

My recent research has uncovered numerous personal connections between the leadership of this cult movement, and the top-level world elite - musicians, politicians, gate-keepers of capital, media and culture  - several indicating a more than passing interest in fallen angels! 

Is this Raelian connection a harmless fling or a potential threat to the stability and spiritual well-being of human-kind? Let's examine some of the activities and claims of this group...
On April 12, 2009, Rael Maitreya, the atheist French 'prophet' who claims to be Israel's Messiah,  publicly addressed the nation of IsRael (as he has renamed it): "I, Yahweh, through the mouth of my Prophet, RAEL, your awaited Messiah, am sending you this ultimate message... you all need to unite to prepare the construction of the Third Temple, Our Embassy and the glorious return of our beloved son, our last and ultimate messenger, the Messiah Rael, who will bring centuries of peace on Earth with our return. Every minute counts and remember that you cannot say we did not warn you." 
Not content with stealing the divine titles of the Lord Jesus Christ - Messiah - Beloved Son - Rael Maitreya claims to have been personally contacted by advanced extra-terrestrial beings known as 'scientists', or 'elohim', who have been, he says, universally mistaken for God in monotheism. These 'beings from the sky' are supposedly due to "officially" intervene in the governmental affairs of planet earth very soon, dependent upon the desire of human-kind to receive them!

The group appears to be predicting some kind of alien-controlled Galactic World Government, centred in a temple, or extra-terrestrial "embassy", in Jerusalem: "The embassy will be built, and our parents from space will come..."
This might all be 'pie in the sky', if it weren't for the incredible connections that Rael Maitreya appears to have, that might just make this diabolical scheme slightly more plausible. We have seen the registered public forum links between  senior Rothschild family members and Rael Maitreya in Facebook. This family enabled the Israeli parliament, the Knesset building to come into being in Jerusalem, and the Israeli Supreme Court building with its reported array of Masonic imagery and sinister symbolism... Could an 'embassy-temple' be far behind?
Bible prophecy describes a focused global connection between deluded human rulers of the world, and the deceptive spiritual enemies of God. The book of Revelation describes Satan, the Devil (aka Lucifer - appearing as an "angel of light"), being "cast into the earth with his angels", to deceive the leaders and kings of the earth, who will voluntarily "give their power" to Antichrist for a time, supported by his "false prophet".
Reading this Raelian material reminds us of the New Testament prophecy of the Apostle Paul:  "Let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come, except there come an apostasy first, and that man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God..." [2 Thessalonians 2:3]. (Read more)