Friday, March 12, 2010

Word Faith Teaching: Audio Bites

Each link opens to Windows Media Player. 

Denying the Trinity:
William Branham
Joseph Good 

Jesus may not be God:
Paul Crouch and Kenneth Copeland

Redefining the Trinity:
Benny Hinn 9 of them
Benny Hinn Father has a Body

Faith is a force; Jms 4 is stupid:
Kenneth Copeland
Fred Price
Crouch, Price, Tilton, Hagin

Sickness is Demonic:
Robert Tilton
Benny Hinn
Astral Projection:
Kenneth Copeland
(Proof of Gnostic occultism)

 Jesus suffers in hell:
Fred Price
Fred Price
Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Hagin
Kenneth Hagin

Christians evolve into gods:
Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Hagin
Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn 
John Avanzini and Morris Cerullo
Paul Crouch

God the Father is a Man:
Kenneth Copeland 6ft
Kenneth Copeland Adam is God

God the Father is from another planet:
Kenneth Copeland
Kenneth Copeland
True Christians are Rich:
Fred Price
Robert Tilton
R. W. Shambach

True Christians do not get Sick:
Benny Hinn
Hobart Freeman
Fred Price
Fred Price
Kenneth Copeland

Kenneth Copeland admits that several have tried to claim healing because of his teaching and are dead because of it. 

Adam was God/Super being:
Benny Hinn (fly to the moon)
Kenneth Copeland
God's Anointing lingers in Tombs
Benny Hinn

Research and recordings provided by BibleFacts.