Saturday, September 12, 2009

Evangelicals Agree with Pope's Call for Globalization

A group of Evangelicals have declared their support for Caritas in Veritate, which is a plan of Pope Benedict XVI to propose an international agreement on globalization on the principles of solidarity. In a document published by the Center for Public Justice titled Doing the truth in love: an evangelical call for response to Caritas in Veritate, it calls Evangelicals to "read, wrestle with, and respond to Caritas in Veritate and its identification of the twin call of love and truth upon our lives as citizens, entrepreneurs, workers and, most fundamentally, as followers of Christ." Basically Caritas in Veritate proposes a model of development to develop worldwide interdependence, and several Evangelicals want to go along with it.

After stating some half-truths in the document, and that Christians are called to join hands with them, they affirm the call to join with the Pope civilized and equitable globalization. Within the linked document, you'll see the names of prominent Evangelical schools who shamelessly want to be involved with what appears to be the "thing to do." Does anyone want to be bold enough to call the pope the "False Prophet" at this point? Let's wait and see.